Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Old Gray Mare Graduates!!

Yup, it finally happened. I finished my Master's degree on Saturday. No more waking up at 4 am to work on assignments or read articles! I now have a master's degree from the American College of Education in Chicago. Since I would rather be in Europe than Chicago the end of June, I just threw on Lennie's graduation robe and we had a quiet celebration. We were so busy that we didn't have time to properly celebrate. Vacation is coming up, so that will work just fine. I"m glad I did it, but also glad it's behind me now.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Deja Vu!

What a way to celebrate Mother's Day!! Does this remind you of anything? This is what it looked like at about 1:00 p.m. this afternoon. We spent our afternoon digging ditches, hauling sandbags and doing everything we could to keep water from our house. Fortunately, the rain lightened up in the middle of the afternoon, so hopefully we won't get flooded again.
We have some ladies staying with us this week who sing in a Sweet Adelines Barbershop Show Chorus. When they saw this scene they said, "Let's get a boat and sail on Lake Huff!" Of course, they didn't realize that scenes like this make us paranoid.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

35 Years!!!

On Saturday, May 7, we celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe that it's been 35 years, but Adam is 33 and Robyn is 31, so it makes sense that we would have been married for 35 years. The above picture was taken just last Sunday, May 1. Not bad, but we definitely don't look like we're 23 and 21 anymore. To add a little nostalgia, we're sharing some pictures from our wedding day, as well as three pictures from before our wedding. It's been a great 35 years. We've had our ups and downs, but we've had some great adventures, we've got five great children, three sons and daughters-in-law and five grandchildren, with more on the way. And, we're still in love.

The beautiful bride in the Flandro's backyard on Hillfield Road. It looks a little different now.

Aren't those 70's clothes and hairstyles great? Oh, for the good old days!

We love this picture of Bonnie with her bouquet.
The dashing couple.

These pictures are before our wedding. Bonnie is sitting down in the Sacred Grove by Palmyra, New York.

Lennie and Bonnie at Lennie's graduation from BYU.

One of my favorite pictures of Bonnie: sitting on a dinosaur in a park in Washington, D.C.