Here are scenes from Halloween. Sunset Beach Elementary had a big Halloween costume parade. Aren't they cute? On Moana St., we may have had the biggest Halloween we have ever had. We're guessing that about 1,000 Trick or Treaters came to our house. We gave out about 800 pieces of candy and ran out by 8:00 p.m. when it was still going strong. We think maybe it was because kids from some areas like Sunset Beach and Kaaawa descended on Laie, since it was the only game in town on Saturday night. The rest of the island probably Trick or Treated on Sunday night. It was crazy, but fun.
By the way, we're showing three pictures of our pumpkin. Bonnie wanted me to carve a beautiful tree branch with small holes for leaves. Instead, I carved the whole tree, which let in too much light and showed all of the Christmas tree lights that were inside the pumpkin. So, I tried it again by carving a tree branch on the side of the same pumpkin. We thought it looked pretty weird, but lots of people complemented us on our great, intricate art work.